Kajal Agarwal who replaced Shruti Haasan as the female lead of Dammu has opted out of the film citing date issues. Later, the makers has zeroed on Trisha as the female lead. Kajal who is already facing the heat of Tollywood producers is back in the news again for the same reason. We have learnt that Kajal was asked to take part in the shooting of Dammu for a couple of days during Diwali time. Director Boyapati Srinuhas planned to can key scenes of the film on the lead pair.
Here comes the actual twist, reports say that the actress has informed the makers that she is very busy for this Diwali and took an off from the shoot. The actress suddenly flashed in the media for opening a showroom during that time. Shocked by this development the makers of the film have decided to contact the actress. It is learnt that the actress gave an arrogant reply to the makers.
The reason behind this is, Kajal felt humiliated during the shooting of Brindavanam as she feels that Samantha, the other heroine of the film has more screen time than her in the film. Even she is not happy with the way producer Dil Raju has given importance to Samantha during movie promotions. Kajal sought the help of Jr Ntr to sort out the issue. But, Jr NTR tried to convince her that all is done for the publicity of the movie. This made her far more serious. Now, she took this as a chance and played a revenge drama with Jr NTR.