Veteran producer and owner of Suresh Productions banner D Ramanaidu have recently expressed his willingness to produce a movie with Mega Star Chiranjeevi. He said that he approached Chiru for the same and the actor too gave his nod to do a film with Movie Moghul Ramanaidu. The producer also said that the collections of the movie will be used for charity acts and social service activities.
The latest buzz is that Ramanaidu has ordered his men to search for the right script that matches the image of Chiranjeevi. Earlier, Ramanaidu has produced a movie titled Sangharshana with Chiranjeevi in the lead.
This recent development has made Ramanaidu to become the third person alongside Ram Gopal Varma and Puri Jagannath who expressed his desire to work with Chiranjeevi. On the other side, the suspense over Chiru’s milestone film continues.