Young Rebel Star Prabhas’s new film under the direction of Raghava Lawrence has resumed its shooting. The film was shot at Himayat Nagar yesterday where the unit has shot an exclusive fight on Rebel Star Krishnam Raju. The actor is essaying a key role in the film. Tamanna and Deesksha Seth are romancing Prabhas for the first time in this film.
The film is produced by J Bhagawan and J Pulla Rao. The shooting of the film was halted for some time as Lawrence fell ill. Thaman is composing music and Ram-Lakshman are the stunt masters. The film has Dr Brahmanandam, Kelly Dorji, Mukesh Rishi, Sayaji Shinde, Ali, MS Narayana, Supreeth, Jayaprakash Reddy, etc in key roles.