Aishwarya Rai and Abhiskekh Bacchanare proud parents of a baby girl. According to the medical briefs both the mother and the baby are in stable condition. The actress was attended by the renowned gynecologist, Dr. Vinita Salvi. Aishwarya will leave the deluxe VIP room in the coveted Seven Hills Hospital of Andheri, Mumbai in a day or two.
Highly ecstatic Amitabh Bachchantweeted, "I AM DADA to the cutest baby girl !!". Over excited Abhishek Bachchan tweeted, "IT'S A GIRL!!!!!! :))))). No wonder grandfather Amitabh Bachchan and Grandmother Jaya Bachchan along with their son Abhishek Bachchan are too busy to welcome the new family member. The new born baby girl is scorpion by star sign, as is her mother. Entire bollywood is in a jovial mood after receiving this news. Bacchans are flooded with congratulatory messages by their dear ones.